
15 miles with Kronk

Yesterday I was desperate to get out of the house. I decided to go on a long bicycle tour. Dingtuna seemed like an ideal lunch location. I came within 3 km of the destination when the bicycle trail left me stranded, so I turned toward the country and had a lovely ride past the fields and forests. I got really hungry and was forced to stop for a kebab tallrik before I made it home. After 15 miles, my bottom hurts.

My bicycle's name is Kronk. I named him after the character on the Disney movie with the llama. Kronk is Kronk because he is just not D'Artanian. D'Artanian is my bike in America. He was a beautiful gift from my church after I worked really hard to direct the Vacation Bible School there. D'Artanian is light and sexy and graceful and powerful. When I moved to Sweden the first time, we bought Kronk because I needed a bike and Kronk was cheap. Kronk is like the character on the movie - beefy and heavy and a bit clumsy, but and yet delightful and much appreciated. I post this entry in memory of D'Artanian who was recently stolen in Denver. If you have ever stolen a bicycle, please repent and make amends. Your crime has many victims. I pray that D'Artanian is safe and well-cared for and that he will soon find his way home.


Tamara said...

I grieve also for the loss of D'Artanian! I grew quite fond of him the summer I borrowed him in Bozeman and I was just admiring him a few weeks ago as he sat so handsomely in seester Sarah's new pad. He will be missed!

Mark said...

That is great that you named your bike Kronk! He was my favorite character on the cartoon and it brings a big smile to my face whenever I picture you riding your Kronk version bike through the wilderness.